Multimodal Transports & Logistics
Transport & Logistics
We go the extra mile

Transport & Logistics

Multimodal Transports & Logistics is your reliable partner for any transport questions you might have. We differentiate ourselves thanks to our flexibility, 60 years of hands-on experience and our passionate team. Besides that, safety, sustainability, speed and innovation are standard in everything we do. Hence our motto: ‘safer, greener, smarter, faster’.

We are happy to provide a tailor-made solution for any transport, whether you need transportation to a remote location such as Turkey or Morocco, transport in Belgium, or any other site in Europe.

Building materials up to 3.5 meters, a heavy load of steel, a barrel of oil fuel or just one pallet through groupage traffic? Anything is possible. Call us for a tailor-made solution. Our team is ready for you, 24/7!

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Do you have any questions for us? Would you like to receive a quote? Contact us today.

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